Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/7225/7196924006_15c932bd5a_b.jpg

Orono-Gentle Fitness for Health: Virtual – 6 weeks Session 3

with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i


April 28th, 2025

Gentle Fitness for Health:  Virtual - 6 weeks

This class offers seated strength and flexibility exercises to improve mobility and fall prevention. All exercises will support people with arthritis, osteoporosis, and other health concerns if they are cleared by their primary care provider.

Instructor: Michelle Spencer

Mondays: 10-11 am

Starts: Session 3  April 28 - June 9 (No class April 21)

Cost: $35 for each 6 week  session

Original source: https://cdn.omstars.com/__sized__/Building_Balance_10.2.22-thumbnail-1400x1400-70.jpg

Orono-Chair Yoga: Virtual – 6 weeks Session 3

with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i


May 1st, 2025

Chair Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks

This morning class, practiced in a chair, offers mind and body benefits without having to get up and off the floor or even changing into Yoga clothes. Enjoy a “pick me up” at home or at your office by using structural techniques to improve your range of motion, relax tight or overused muscles and release tension from the mind.

Instructor: Michelle Spencer

Thursdays: 9:00-10:00 am

Starts: Session 3  May 1 - June 5 (no class May 26)

Cost: $62 for 6 week session

Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/7163/6841772337_88704114ce_b.jpg

Orono-Tai Yoga: Virtual – 6 weeks Session 2

with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i


March 18th, 2025

Tai Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks

A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled breathing, stretching and strength for the mind and body! 

Instructor: Michelle Spencer

Tuesdays: 9-10 am

Starts: Session 2 - Tuesday, March 18 - April 29 (No clases April 22)

Cost: $62 for each 6 week session

Image uploaded by Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

How to Start an Ebay/Etsy Business - 4 weeks - In Person

Have you ever wanted to sell items on Ebay or Etsy, but just didn’t know how to get started? Now you can learn, in person, from an experienced seller! Get the inside scoop on topics like sourcing inventory, pricing, shipping and more. You will get hands-on experience so you can get the feel of doing it yourself. Having your own online “store” can be a great second income – find out if it’s right for you! Requires a basic understanding of computer use.

What you will need for this class:

A notebook and/or folder with pockets

Your laptop, Ipad or phone

Instructor: Irene Dennis

Date: Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 30 (No class April 23)

Time: 6:00-8:30pm

Cost: $40

Original source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1e/Steve_Jobs_presents_iPhone_%28cropped%29.jpg

Orono-BoomerTECH Adventures Courses

with BoomerTech Adventures For Info Call 207-866-4119

BoomerTECH Adventures Courses (BTA) - Self-Paced and Virtual Contact: Orono Adult Education Office for more information 207-866-4119/jsantos@rsu26.org

BoomerTECH Adventures courses are developed by Jill Spencer, Ed Brazee and Chris Toy, all Maine educators. All of our courses contain multiple videos which are self-paced. Students complete courses on their own time and at their own speed. Each course is a PDF booklet with information about the class, instructions for taking the class, and the content of the class (videos and articles accessible from direct links). The three instructors (Jill Spencer, Chris Toy and Ed Brazee) provide personalizedsupport for the class via email, phone, and Zoom.

Introduction to Mac Basics  -  Introduction to iPhone Basics  -  Cooking With BoomerTECH  -  iPhone/iPad Vision Accessibility Features  -  Introduction to Zoom Basics  -  Create & Deliver Online Zoom Courses  -  15 iPhone/iPad Vision Accessibility Features  -  Conquer Your Mac Photos App: Edit Your Images  -  Hidden Gems Lurking on Your iPhone & iPad #1  -  More Hidden Gems Lurking in Your iPhone/iPad #2  -  Adventures Digital Tools for the Beginning Memoir Writer  -  Conquer Your Photos App Chaos: Tame Your Mac Images  -  Unlock Safari’s Secrets on Your Mac in Just Five Lessons  -  Take Fabulous Photos of the Flora and Fauna in Your World  -  Unlock Safari’s Secrets on Your iPhone in Just Five Lessons 

Cost: $40 each class    

Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50214900458_a2b977bed1_b.jpg

Orono-UKULELE TIME IS NOW! 4 Weeks Zoom

with Duncan Perry


May 12th, 2025

UKULELE TIME IS NOW!   4 Weeks   Zoom

The Ukulele has never been more popular. Here’s your chance to find out how to play this wonderfully versatile, go anywhere, instrument and you don't have to know how to read music!  Join our no-stress program for some laughs and learning. Bring your sense of humor, a passion for music, and curiosity about playing.  You will be introduced to essential chording and strumming skills using familiar songs.  Once you master the basics you won't want to stop!

Instructor: Duncan Perry  Session 1 Date: April 16, 23, 30, May 7. Time: 6:00-7:30 pm Cost: $84 per session 

Session 2  Date: May 12, 20, 27 & June 3  Time: 6:00-7:30 pm Cost: $84 per session