Original source: https://cdn.omstars.com/__sized__/yoga_at_the_wall_vinyasa_flow-thumbnail-1400x1400.png

Orono-Strength and Balanced for Senior Fitness: Virtual – 6 weeks Session 3

with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i


April 28th, 2025

Strength and Balanced for Senior Fitness: Virtual - 6 weeks 

Reaching balanced wellness by working on strengthening and stretching the muscles, preventing falls, improving cardiovascular and bone density health. This class is progressive and increases your overall well-being throughout the 6 week session."Standing and Floor Work! This dynamic, full-bodied exercise program supports  muscle growth and increases stamina! Prepare to be getting on and off the floor during the mat portion.  If you have been working on your fitness and want to challenge yourself, "Senior Fitness" will guide you  safely and effectively.

Instructor: Michelle Spencer

Mondays: 8:30-9:30 am

Starts: Session 3  April 28 - June 9 (No class April 21)

 Cost $35        


Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/3509/3968025692_9f6242bda5_h.jpg

Orono-Stress Reduction and Relaxation with Therapeutic Yoga: Virtual – 6 weeks Session 2

with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i


March 18th, 2025

Stress Reduction and Relaxation with Theraputic Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2

This 60-minute Yoga class will provide sequences that calms the nervous system along with stretching/warming the muscles and preparing the mind to rest. Breathing techniques, short meditation and positive affirmations will end the practice.

Instructor: Michelle Spencer

Tuesdays:  5:30-6:30 pm

Starts: Session 2 - March 18 - April 29 (No class February 22)

Cost: $62 for each 6 week session

Original source: https://cdn.omstars.com/__sized__/tweet_merrigan_1-thumbnail-1400x1400-70.jpg

Orono-Tai Yoga Flow: 6 week – In-Person Class Session 2

with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i


April 4th, 2025

Tai Yoga Flow: 6 week - In-Person Class  Session 2 

A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled breathing, stretching and strength for the mind and body! Tai Yoga is a combination of Tai Chi, Traditional Yoga Postures and Qigong.

Instructor: Michelle Spencer  

Date: Fridays, April 4, 11, 18, May 2, 9, 16 (No class April 25)

Time: 10:00 -11am 

Cost: $62 for 6 weeks  

Location: Keith Anderson Community House



Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/8689/17306530411_fc97294842_b.jpg

Orono-Are You Having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat? Zoom

with Call Sharon for more information: 207-250-7373.

Price not available More Info

Are You Having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat? Zoom

Do you struggle with food obsession, overeating, undereating or purging?

There is a Solution, Free Information Session Online and by Phone.

At this session you will hear more about the FA program and from people who have found a solution through the FA program. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is hosting information sessions on the following: Dates: Tuesday, May 20, 2025, Monday, June 16, 2025 Tuesday, October 21, 2025,

Monday, November 3, 2025 Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Zoom.

For more information and to receive the Zoom link Email: fa.newcastle.maine@gmail.com or

Call Sharon for more information: 207-250-7373.

Image uploaded by Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Orono-Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People – ZOOM – 2 1/2 hour class

with Craig Coffman is Experienced piano and guitar instructor, professional pianist and music director For mor


April 8th, 2025

Chords Are Key - Using the Chord Method  By Craig Coffman

Craig Coffman is an experienced piano and guitar instructor, professional pianist and music director.  He has over 30 years experience teaching piano privately. His piano and guitar seminars, offered through Community Colleges and Community Education Programs, have been attended by over 30,000 students throughout The United States, Kenya, South Africa Arizona and the Philippines. He has a degree in Sociology from Wesleyan University in Illinois (where he also studied piano) and a Master of Divinity degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.  

Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People - ZOOM - 2 1/2 hour class 

Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it difficult to find the time?  In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it.  This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away.  Since this class is being held online with ZOOM, you will be able to sit at home with your guitar and take this class without any pressure at all.   And since the class includes an online book and online follow-up video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own.  An optional periodic online question and answer session is also included.   A recording of the class is included as well.  Class limited to 15 students.   

Topics include:

How chords work in a song

How to form the three main types of chords

How to tune your guitar

Basic strumming patterns

How to buy a good guitar (things to avoid)

How to play along with simple tunes

Instructor: Craig Coffman Date: Tuesday, April 8 – 6:30pm-9:30pm

Cost: $69 (includes an online book and online follow-up video lessons)


Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/2572/3713818847_9684926e5d_b.jpg

Genealogy Workshop At the Old Town Museum - In Person

Designed for beginners, but helpful for those who have some experience, it is a two part Genealogy Workshop. Part 1 will introduce you to genealogy and assist you in building your family tree.  Part 2 will address sources, storage and publication of your research. Sample worksheets to begin recording your data will be provided along with discussion of ways to make your research fun and successful.  A computer is not necessary, but may be helpful. Attendance will be limited to 20.

Instructors: Mary Gibouleau & Museum Staff 

Date:  Part 1 Tuesday, April 15, Time: 6:00-7:30 pm

Date: Part 2 Thursday, April 17,  Time: 6:00-7:30pm

Cost: $5

Location: The Barbara Csavinszky Genealogy Center, The Old Town Museum, 353 Main Street, Old Town, ME.


Cost: $5

Location: The Barbara Csavinszky Genealogy Center 

                 The Old Town Museum    

                 353 Main Street, Old Town, ME.